Health & Safety

Health and safety management programme

It is the policy of Brian A Flynn Ltd. to develop a positive health and safety culture throughout the organization because we believe that high standards of health and safety are necessary for company efficiency and competitiveness. In addition, we recognize our legal responsibility to comply with all relevant safety legislation and codes of practice applicable to our business. Brian A Flynn Ltd. will continually strive to identify all workplace hazards and take appropriate measures to eliminate or control risks to employees and others affected by our operations, by applying positive control standards and provision of information, instruction, training and supervision as is needed. The Managing Director will ensure the allocation of sufficient resources for the successful implementation of the Health and Safety Management Policy.

Health and Safety Objectives

The objectives to be met in ensuring the success of this policy are:

  1. To actively involve employees at all levels in ensuring a competent workforce that continually operates safe and efficient working methods. This will reduce lost time from accidents, sickness and absence with the consequent benefits of high morale and increased productivity. It will also help in creating a public image of a well-run, safe and trusted professional safety business.
  2. To review and, where appropriate, develop these standards in the light of changes in technology, industry practices and statutory legislation.
  3. To co-operate with the appropriate authorities and technical organizations on the formulation of standards and means of compliance.
  4. To ensure that the potential health and safety factors and environmental effects are assessed for all new products, activities and acquisitions.
  5. To inform employees of their health and safety responsibilities and provide sufficient information, instruction and training to enable them to be aware of and avoid the hazards to which they are exposed.
  6. To ensure those contractors working for the Company are informed of its standards, and those appropriate procedures exist for monitoring compliance without detracting from the legal responsibilities of the contractors.
  7. To ensure as far as reasonably practicable safe plant, safe systems of work and the elimination of any foreseeable hazard which may result in injury, occupational health illness, property damage, process loss, fires, security loss and environmental damage.
  8. To ensure that these objectives are being fulfilled through auditing company activities.